Friday, April 19, 2013

Goodbye Philippines.

It's surreal to think that my time in the Philippines is over. I am sitting in my hotel lobby in Manila just before bed, sweating like crazy in the heat, and I will be leaving for the airport early in the morning.

The last few weeks were incredibly busy. This past week, we had a crazy VBS at Noah's Ark which over a hundred local children attended, and then we had an overnight camp for youth which almost two hundred attended. Needless to say.. My last week was filled with TONS of kids I've never seen before, loud music, and songs about pandas. But so many kids learned about Jesus!!! Amazing. We were also hosting a team from Ontario that had organized the camps, so that meant many afternoons spent cooking and baking for them. I made sure to spend plenty of time debriefing and playing with the Noah's Ark kids before all that madness began. I smile now as I think about all the evenings I spent sprawled out on a blanket, laughing and playing with my kids, and then tucking them all into bed with lots of po-po-chan-ja-ah's (I love yous).

I woke up on my last day at Noah's Ark with a heart that felt like lead. I tried all day to make the most of every last moment, and to spend as much time with the kids as possible. Luckily, with youth camp happening, all of our high school students had returned to Noah's Ark from their summer holidays. After dinner that night, all of our kids who we've been with since arriving in the Philippines met us in the family room to say goodbye. Linda gave them all a chance to say something if they wanted to. I immediately started to cry as the kids thanked us for the help we could offer, the times we hiked down the mountain to go to their youth group with them, etc. They all gave us three gifts: the native headdress, which is covered in beautiful rooster feathers, a Banaue t-shirt, and a coin purse, made from the wrapper of our favourite Filipino snack, Salt n Vinegar Cracklings. Afterwards, they all gathered around us and sang their "goodbye song" which they sing to visitors at departure. "Thank You… May God Always Bless You…" etc.

The next morning, as we were packing up our vehicle, the real goodbyes began. I thought I could hold in my tears until we started to say goodbye to the staff. The staff at Noah's Ark are incredible, God-serving people who I was privileged to get to meet. When they started giving us gifts, crying, and thanking us for all their help my own tears began. I don't think I could've ever given enough hugs, kisses, and "miss you''s or "God bless you"s. Driving away from Noah's Ark and taking that last look was one of the hardest things I've ever done. 

In my debrief, I came across something I had written almost one month ago.

"Yesterday as I stood in church, singing a song I didn't know with tambourines clanging, and holding beautiful Elvis Jr. in my arms, worshipping in a totally new way- I was overcome with a realization. Being here has been everything I could've hoped for. Banaue is now a place I feel at home. I can shake everyone's hands at church while singing "There's a Welcome Here." I can say hello to familiar faces in the market. I can hold people's babies. I can point a tourist in the right direction. And not to say there hasn't been those painful mornings, where all I can think of is home.. and all I can do is turn to Jesus. I've hugged, held, kissed, tickled, and fallen in love with children who's stories are unspeakably devastating. I've had my moments of anguish. Where holding a baby in a rocking chair saying a silent prayer over his life feels like the smallest thing I could be doing when there's so much hurt. But my God. Jesus. He has done so much more through me. He has shown me that changing one person's world IS changing the world. And HE is the one who will bring the change. Not me. All I can do is thank Him for letting me come along. "'Now glory be to GOD who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of- infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.' Ephesians 3:20."

This was life in the Philippines. And it has now come to an end. But…
"For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels won't, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God's love away Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, or where we are- high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean-nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when He died for us." Romans 8:38-39

Thank you Jesus.

One last moment with Kensin.

My favourite game.. How many of us can fit on Manang Kelly's lap?

Your average walk to church.

Jenjen and I.

I will be landing in Saskatoon on Saturday afternoon. Thank you EVERYONE for reading this, praying, encouraging from afar. I am blessed to come home to all of you.

See you soon!